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Perugia Video Contest Announced

The Umbra Institute has announced an exciting new initiative: in collaboration with, the Institute will be promoting a contest for the best films about travel to Perugia. TripFilms has a unique website where thousands of travelers (or in this case, “temporary citizens” of Perugia) post videos about the streets they live on, where they shop, what they do for fun, where they eat your favorite meals, as well as weekend excursions. Instead of simply reading a standard guidebook about Perugia, potential visitors (and students) can see through the eyes of people that have already been and lived here.

The contest was organized by Umbra and an alum, Kelley Farro, who is now a travel video producer with TripFilms. The grand prize is an iPod Nano, and there are several cash prizes and Amazon gift certificates as well. The contest begins January 4th, 2010, and is open not only to current students but alumni as well. All are encouraged to participate — when you upload, include the line in the description “Umbra Institute Student Travel Video Submission.” For more information email Kelley AT tripfilms DOT com with your questions.

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