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Perugia in the Summer: Culture, Nature, and Food

Perugia, nestled in the heart of Umbria, truly comes alive in the summer. This vibrant city, with its rich tapestry of cultural festivities, historical treasures, and breathtaking natural landscapes, serves as an ideal destination for those eager to immerse themselves in Italian culture and history while enjoying the energetic atmosphere of summer events.


Music: Umbria Jazz Festival
One of the highlights of the Perugian summer is the Umbria Jazz Festival, held every July. As you stroll through the ancient cobbled streets, the city transforms into a live stage, resonating with the sounds of world-class jazz performed by internationally acclaimed artists. The festival is not only a haven for jazz aficionados but also a vibrant gathering spot for music lovers from across the globe, offering a unique blend of music, culture, and history.


Artistic Treasures at the National Gallery
Beyond the music, the National Gallery of Umbria (Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria) the Palazzo dei Priori is a must-visit for art lovers. This prestigious gallery is home to an exquisite collection of medieval and Renaissance art, offering a cool refuge from the summer heat and a chance to delve into Italy’s rich artistic heritage.


Students from Spring 24 hiking in Monte Cucco
Students from Spring 24 hiking in Monte Cucco

Embrace the Nature
The natural surroundings of Perugia offer just as much allure as its cultural offerings. The Umbrian countryside, with its rolling hills, olive groves, and vineyards, is perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. These scenic routes provide stunning vistas and ample opportunities for picnicking in picturesque settings, allowing one to connect with nature and experience the serene beauty of Italy.


Local Delights
Culinary enthusiasts will find themselves delighted in Perugia as they explore new flavors and learn about local cuisine. A not-to-be-missed treat is the torta al testo, a traditional flatbread that pairs wonderfully with local cheeses, cold cuts, and a glass of Umbrian wine, encapsulating the taste of the region in each bite.


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