Interview with Dr. Clelia Viecelli: A Journey from Ethnographic Research to Inspirational Teaching

Jan | 30

Dr. Clelia Viecelli, an anthropologist and researcher, joined Umbra in 2021 and now chairs the Food, Sustainability, and Environment program (FSE). We sat down with her to discuss her journey with us and her recent achievement of securing a postdoctoral... Read More
Embracing and Navigating the Italian Lifestyle

Jan | 23

An Opinion Piece by Alexandra Ahlbeck When I decided to study in Italy, I braced myself for culture shock, particularly in adapting to a new language and attending school in a foreign country. Yet, some unexpected aspects caught me off... Read More
Welcome to a New Semester! Insights from Director Dr. Zach Nowak

Jan | 18

Welcome to a new semester at the Umbra Institute in Perugia! As we embrace the start of this academic period, we have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Zachary Nowak, our Director, who shared his insights and aspirations for this... Read More
Perugia Through a Student’s Eyes: Navigating Markets, Music, and the Food Scene

Dec | 18

A Personal Guide to Perugia by Allie Ahlbeck Studying abroad can be intimidating. You are in a new place, with a new culture and it can be daunting to encounter the unknown. While these feelings of uncertainty and unfamiliarity are... Read More
Celebrating my Birthday in Italy

Dec | 13

An opinion piece by Amelia Daly Embarking on an International Adventure: My Leap from Connecticut to Perugia Hello, I'm Amelia Daly, a 19-year-old student from the University of Connecticut, currently studying abroad in Perugia, Italy. I grew up in Connecticut... Read More
A Student’s Guide to a Relaxing and Affordable Weekend in Perugia

Dec | 07

While there are plenty of events and places to visit in Perugia and its surroundings, here is a top list of recommendations and things to do from one of our Umbra Reps students, Janet Scharmer. Studying in central Italy presents... Read More

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