Students Get Rare Tour of Perugia

Jan | 17

This Sunday, approximately sixty students of the Umbra Institute were guided on a "behind the scenes" tour of Perugia by Zach Nowak. A five year resident of Perugia, author of a major guidebook on Perugia, and peer-acclaimed Perugian scholar, Nowak... Read More
Alumni: Stay Connected with Umbra!

Jan | 15

Since the Umbra Institute was founded in 1999, more than 1000 American students have come to Perugia to study. Certainly, much has changed in that time-the Institute now hosts close to 200 students per semester, there are 3 classroom buildings... Read More
Spring 2006 Students Arrive at Umbra!

Jan | 11

Nearly 200 students arrived in Perugia last week to begin the Spring 2006 semester. These students, like the ones who have studied at Umbra before them, have already begun the language immersion program at the Universita per Stranieri and at... Read More
Alumna Publishes Italy from a Backpack

Jan | 09

Heather Strickland, a current senior at the University of Richmond in Virginia, has been published in Italy from a Backpack. This book is the latest in a series created for students traveling and living abroad. Strickland's short story on discovering... Read More
Buon Natale a Tutti

Dec | 20

A few months ago, our students were trying to make sense of the Italian lessons at the Universita per Stranieri, adjusting to taking a mid-day pausa, and planning their travels throughout Italy and Europe. This week, many have questioned where... Read More
Students Take a Break for Talent Show

Dec | 10

Students and staff members took a break from preparing for final papers and exams by attending the bi-annual Umbra Talent Show. Students performed in a variety of acts: a bi-lingual quiz show, a solo dance act, a solo of Amazing... Read More

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